Man is the basic thing, and man-making is the fundamental work. Every kind of works from personal life to society depends on the quality of the concerned people, which is ruled by their character. Again, the character can also be built through practice. So we should not lose hope and try to do practice for the improvement of our life. An individual may, of course, attempt at man-making with himself or others. However, to make a serious attempt everywhere and not to leave it as casual endeavors of a few, an organized effort that will cover all parts of the country is essential. And that is the idea behind the Mahamandal.
Swamiji said that Man making is his mission and in his words “Be and Make, let this be our motto.” Mahamandal picked up this nobel message of Swamiji as the guiding slogan of the Organization. We must try at first to be real men by manifesting our immense possibilities and at the same time also help others to do the same. Swami Vivekananda laid the greatest emphasis on the making of men. He considered the conventional system of education insufficient, because it does not help us in becoming real men by teaching the method of controlling our mind, nor does it teach us about our potential divinity and the method to manifest that divinity. By education Swamiji meant life-building, man-making, character- building, assimilation of ideas. Swamiji wanted that education, by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. To spread this idea of man-making education and to train the youth in the practical methods of character-building, the Mahamandal prescribes a set of daily practices for all the members and also organises youth training camps of various durations throughout the year.
The most important and the largest of such youth training camps is the Annual All India Youth Training Camp which is held in the last week of December every year and is participated by young trainees from different parts of India. Besides this All India Youth Training Camp, State level, Zonal and local youth training camps are also held.
The purpose of all these youth training camps is to train young men to become real men by balanced development of physical and intellectual powers and the power of love by expansion of heart.