“Be and Make” – Charaibeti Charaibeti – a hymn of Aitareya Upanishad. A powerful and potent word which in true Upanishadic style exhorts one to move on and keep going!

The School is envisioned in the image of Indian Gurukul system and Man Making Education where precious traditions and cherished values of the past and modern educational concepts have been integrated with Emphasis to be a Human Being first ingrained with all Virtues. It presents a synthesis of all that is best of the eastern and western models of education. It follows the trail as a paradigm of excellence to promote its culture and tradition. The green natural surroundings have given it a special identity. The School, its students and staff all enjoy the blessings of Sri Ramakrishna, Holy Mother, Sri Sri Saradadevi and Swami Vivekananda.